How to Make Pancakes: All Recipes

Pancakes, with their golden-brown perfection and melt-in-your-mouth texture, are a beloved breakfast staple that never fails to bring comfort and delight. Whether you’re a beginner in the kitchen or a seasoned cook, making pancakes from scratch is a rewarding experience. In this post, we’ll walk you through a classic pancake recipe and provide you with detailed instructions to achieve pancake perfection every time.


  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 3/4 cup buttermilk (or milk of your choice)
  • 1/4 cup plain yogurt
  • 1 large egg
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)
  • Cooking spray or additional butter for greasing the pan


1. Prepare Your Cooking Surface:

  • Place a non-stick skillet or griddle over medium heat. If using a stainless steel or cast-iron pan, lightly grease it with cooking spray or a small amount of butter.

2. Mix Dry Ingredients:

  • In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Ensure they are well combined.

3. Combine Wet Ingredients:

  • In a separate bowl, whisk together the buttermilk, plain yogurt, egg, melted butter, and vanilla extract (if using). Whisk until the mixture is smooth and well incorporated.

4. Create the Batter:

  • Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and gently fold them together using a spatula. Be careful not to overmix; a few lumps are okay. Overmixing can lead to dense pancakes.

5. Let the Batter Rest:

  • Allow the batter to rest for about 10-15 minutes. This resting period helps activate the leavening agents and results in fluffier pancakes.

6. Cook the Pancakes:

  • Once the batter has rested, ladle or pour approximately 1/4 cup of batter onto the heated skillet for each pancake. Cook until bubbles form on the surface, and the edges start to look set, usually 2-3 minutes.

7. Flip and Cook:

  • Carefully flip the pancake using a spatula and cook for an additional 1-2 minutes, or until the other side is golden brown.

8. Serve and Enjoy:

  • Transfer the cooked pancakes to a plate and keep them warm while you cook the remaining batter. Serve the pancakes with your favorite toppings, such as maple syrup, fresh berries, sliced bananas, chopped nuts, or a dollop of whipped cream.

Tips for Pancake Perfection:

  1. Don’t Overmix: Gently fold the wet and dry ingredients together to avoid overmixing, which can lead to tough pancakes.
  2. Batter Consistency: Adjust the batter consistency by adding a little more milk if it’s too thick or a little more flour if it’s too thin.
  3. Cooking Temperature: Maintain a consistent medium heat. Too high heat can lead to unevenly cooked pancakes.
  4. Flipping Technique: Wait until you see bubbles on the surface before flipping the pancakes. A spatula works best for flipping – slide it gently underneath the pancake and flip in one swift motion.
  5. Toppings: Get creative with toppings! Experiment with different fruits, nuts, chocolate chips, or even a sprinkle of cinnamon.

Conclusion: Making pancakes from scratch is a delightful culinary adventure that rewards you with a stack of fluffy, delicious pancakes that are sure to brighten your mornings. With this detailed guide and a little practice, you’ll be serving up pancake perfection in no time. So, gather your ingredients, fire up your skillet, and get ready to savor the timeless joy of homemade pancakes.

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